Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia

It is the supreme authoritative book that gives rules and regulations for pharmacognosy and quality control.

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Plant Source

Plant source is the largest source of medicines in homoeopathic pharmacy.

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Animal Source

The vast animal kingdom provides many excellent homoeopathic medicines.

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Chemical Source

Homoeopathy uses a large number of drugs belonging to the Chemical source.

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Nosodes and Sarcodes

Nosodes and Sarcodes are unique sources in homoeopathic pharmacy ...

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Imponderabilia and Synthetic Source

Use of energies as well as as medicines used in modern medicine to prepare homoeopathic medicines ...

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Homoeopathic Vehicles and Bases

Role of vehicles in homoeopathic pharmacy is as vital as the sources.

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Solid Vehicles

Sugar of milk and Globules are two of the most important solid vehicles used in homoeopathic pharmacy.

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Liquid Vehicles

Distil water and Ethanol are two of the most important liquid vehicles used in homoeopathic pharmacy.

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Semisolid vehicles

A study of semisolid vehicles used in external applivations

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Pharmaceutical Instruments

A study of the various lab apparatus used in homoeopathic pharmacy

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Preparation of Medicines - Introduction

An introduction to the preparation of homoeopathic medicines from sources

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