Leonardo da Vinci said – “Study the Science of Art and the Art of Science”.

Teaching students is an ART.

However, behind any art, there lies science. The teaching-learning bond between the teacher and student gets multiplied when the students understand and puts the science into practice. With this help of art and science, journey of a teacher with students becomes memorable.

The subject of Homoeopathic Pharmacy has evolved from a small subject with limited syllabus to a full-fledged curriculum and is also now a post-graduate subject. For last 30 years we had no manual for Pharmacy Practicals. Based on CCH guidelines over the times, we have also evolved in standardizing and delivering the subject of Practical Homoeopathic Pharmacy in a simple and interesting way. Always taking feedback from our most important stakeholders – our students, collecting their questions and suggestions, we are now ready with a PRACTICAL MANUAL for HOMOEOPATHIC PHARMACY.

As and when syllabus was modified, we too added or subtracted informative data. Hence was born a hand, simplified, self-explanatory practical manual for ready reference for students all over India and abroad.

Art is I; science is we. Science discovers; art creates.

Happy Reading and Studying!!!