Preparation of mother tincture - New method

The unique method of preparing mother tincture - maceration and percolation

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External Applications

The study of philosophy and type of applications in homoeopathy

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Potentization - Dynamic Power

The Philosophy of Potentization and Dynamis

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Potentization - History

Evolution of the concepts of potentization

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Potentization - Mathematics

The Mathematics of Potentization - Centesimal and Decimal Scale

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Potentization - Mechanics

The Mechanics of Potentization - Trituration and Succussion.

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Potentization - LM Scale

The "New Altered and Perfected Method" of Potentization - Fifty Millesimal Scale.

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Potentization - Modified Techniques

Techniques of potentization were modified by some homoeopaths from the original Hahnemannian method.

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Homoeopathic Posology

Posology is the scientific study of Doses.

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Prescription is a legal document that binds the physician, patient and pharmacist.

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Intelligent and judicious use of Placebo is essential in clinical practice.

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Dispensing of homoeopathic medicines

Homoeopathic medicines are easy to dispense ...

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