
Pharmaconomy is the study of routes of administration of medicines

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Preservation and Packaging

The objective of good preservation and packaging is to ensure the safe delivery of medicines upto the patients ...

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Pharmaceutical Lab Methods

Simple lab methods with their applications in preparation of homoeopathic medicines

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Doctrine of Signature

The striking resemblance between external appearances and drug actions ...

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Homoeopathic Pharmacodynamics

Homoeopathic Pharmacodynamics involves a study of the dynamic action of our drugs ...

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Hahnemann and Drug Proving

The beginning of Homoeopathy starts with the drug proving of Cinchona juice ...

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Homoeopathic Drug Proving

Drug Proving is the foundation of Materia Medica and is a scientific procedure to understand pathogenetic powers of medicines

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Quality Control in Homoeopathy

Quality assurance is essential in homoeopathy to ensure reliability of finished products and efficacy of homoeopathic medicines

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Quality Control - Raw Material

Quality control of raw material is essential in homoeopathic pharmacy along with In process quality control

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Quality Control - Finished Products

Quality control of mother tinctures with emphasis on In process quality control

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Legislation of Homoeopathic Pharmacy in India

Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 in relation to Homoeopathic Pharmacy

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Originality and Speciality of Homoeopathic Pharmacy

What makes homoeopathic pharmacy original, special and unique from different systems of medicine

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